Thursday, July 14, 2011

Long Day!!!!

First off the night ended by my nephew Tyler winning the next level of allstars so off we go to sectionals What a great game the team played way to go Waterford South!!!!!

Trevor is already playing sectionals first game tonight!!!!! 
This morning Matt and I woke up super early to head to Yale AGAIN!!!!  this time for a Muga of my heart to make sure its strong enough to handle the chemo I will be receiving.  Then we went to the cancer center for a meeting to explain everything I will be going through with chemo.. Holy Crap I need I big old calender because there is NO way I will remember all of this haha~~~~
When we first sat down with Lynnanne the oncology nurse she opened the folder and said WOW this is quite the mixture this is a strong protocol one I don't see to often at your age.  I instantly started crying thinking oh gosh How am I ever going to be able to get through this if I'm still in constant pain from my surgery.....then I said to myself "Becky you are way to strong to let this get the best of you."  so I put the box of tissues away and listened with no tears getting the best of me those will come later (or now as I write this lol).
So for all of you medical friends out there or just those who have been through this I will be on what they call the TAC chemotherapy Taxotere adriamycin cytoxan all of which have ten thousand of course side effects that I guess would be the reason I came home with 12 perceptions. its just so hard to believe that I was a strong mom running twelve million places and now I leave the house for just little times a day.  As she was going over the meds I will be taking she mentioned Decadron Matt and looked at each other and started laughing....Man this was the med Ava was on when she was taking chemo and MAN she was the nasty nasty nasty!!!!! I looked at Matt and said just lock me in the room If I start acting like Ava did haha.  Man she was nasty during that time the claws would come out!!! so lets hope I have a better reaction or I may have no friends left at the end of this lol!!!!

Me and My niece Ava who has leukemia and will be cured March 7th 2012 who would have thought two years ago when we walked the relay for life that in 2013 we will walking it together as survivors:)

Yesterday My friend Erin came over to the house looked at me and said man you look like shit!!!!!  She said be at my house for dinner at 5:30 I looked at her like she was crazy and Matt looked at me and said you have 2 hours and we are leaving for Erins so get yourself up and ready lol what who the heck do they think they are telling me what to do when I feel like crap.   But... they won and we were over at Erins eating dinner and even heading down the river on the boat (nice and slow) to watch the Mohegan fireworks!!!!  I'm glad they forced me to get out of bed!!!
well enough gabbing for one night lol just kidding I could go all night!!!

 Keri  Erin and I waiting for the fireworks!!!!!
 Nothing better then friend ship!!!!!
                                             My Blake Keris nephew Colby and Erins Cami
 The faint rainbow over our heads:)

the kids loving the fireworks or as Blake calls them the boom booms!!!


  1. You are amazing Becky! And have amazing friends!! God bless you!!

  2. Oh dear Decadron Becky....suppose all you will eat will be chicken nuggets? The next phase of the battle and you will win this war my love. I adore you xo

  3. I am Extremely proud of your resolve. Remember that you are not bound to the side effects of drugs just because they say they are a possibility. Let the drugs do their work and wait to see. I actually know of several people who had very little side effects from some harsh chemo drugs. You are a strong person.

  4. You are awesome! I would probably be bed bound with depression and pain by now. Someday this will all be a memory in your past.

  5. Becky- thanks for your openness, honesty about this journey. The laughter and connections about treatment (Ava's) will carry you thru...hope your pain has subsided, so glad you are getting out to beautiful excursions with friends, family. Thanks for being an inspiration and so informative of what this journey involves...keep up your great work, you will overcome this, be an even stronger woman! Love and hugs- Aunt Lynne

  6. I agree with Lewis. Not all people get all side effects and you can only do it one day at a time. One treatment at a time. I am so sorry for the comment the nurse made about your chemo cocktail-sometimes we professionals forget how our words sound to the patients. Try hard to live each day for itself and enjoy every moment you get like today full of baseball. God will see you through in ways you can not even fathom at the moment. Always praying for you.

  7. When my mother was on decadron she had a heightened sense of well-being and more energy. The effect was so dramatic that she was kept on it longer than the protocol suggested. I hope it does that for you, too. Just take it one day at a time and try to do at least one thing that makes you happy everyday. We love you.
    Art and Judy Hayward

  8. I couldn't believe when I read this because I thought you looked and sounded so goid last night! You really are a warrior! xoxoxo

    Melissa Chiappone
