Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Going Home!!

    Hi everyone this is Becky.  Just got news that I get to go home today I am so excited to get home and start my healing process.  I am as sore as sore gets but I know that this too shall pass!  My children are ready to have there mama home too.  As I attempted to walk yesterday  I did well ....well I did well as soon as I got back to to the room and the nurse delivered my drugs-- lol.  I know that the next year is going to be tough especially since they found the cancer in my lymph nodes.  I was hoping that they wouldn't find cancer  there because that would have skipped radiation... Oh well just something else I'll have to beat!   Well thank you all for for your prayers and support we will keep you posted.

This is Deb.....so Becky just took a nice long shower and we washed her hair- pure heaven!!!!  She is a little nervous about the drive home, climbing the stairs, being in pain, being nauseous......!!!!!
Dr Michelle very kindly talked to Becky about her feelings and the fact that even 2 days from now she will be unsure about everything, but in their assessment she is healing beautifully, she is breathing well without oxygen, she is walking- slowly but forward and all that considered she is healthy and needs to go home to stay healthy.


  1. Glad to hear from you, Becky, and that the healing has progressed enough to go home. Shelley and I were thinking of you on your surgery day, every day since. Hoping you feel better quickly and have all of the pain behind you, improving day by day...step by step...LOVE YOU- Aunt Lynne

  2. Becky, so glad to hear you are progressing enough to get you home. "There's no place like HOME!" I think of you often throughout the days and prayers are still being sent your way. Hope to talk with you soon. When you are ready to talk. Take it slow and easy and let everyone else around you HELP.

  3. Becky, sending love and prayers your way! Sally

  4. One day at a time, one step at a time. Literally. You are so positive and a true fighter. Remember you are surrounded by love and support. Would love to visit once you are settled at home and up for it. XOXO

  5. Thinking of you Becky! Sending prayers your way from the West Coast xoxo

  6. Praying for relief from pain and you to be comforted and full of love and laughter. Laughter will come in time with healing. I pray for recovery and this year to be filled with good news from you and Mom! God bless you! Love you!

  7. So happy to hear you are home now! Kickin' some cancer a**!

  8. Hey Becky,
    So glad you are doing well enough to go home, kids are the best medicine! Be good to yourself, love you lots, Heather
