Monday, August 1, 2011

A week full of new feelings and lots of great memories:)

         One week ago I we headed up to Yale to start the dreaded chemo.  I had no idea what to expect all I know was that I was told that with each season I would get progressively sicker.  24 hours after chemo my mother gave me my first neulasta shot~then the sickness began slight nausea enough to make me aggravated but I was able to handle it.  My moto was if I keep a positive then It'll all go away!!! Well nope that didn't happen I seemed to get worse with the passing days. Every food I ate I hated every drink I drank made me sick ugh!
    We enjoyed a family week at Misquamicut.  What a great week lots of fun for the teens it was all about the new generation and man I so remember being that age lol!!  11 teens oh boy is all I could say and thank you mom for being able to stay awake to monitor them lol.  I couldnt keep my eyes open past 930pm and they were in no way ready for bed at that time so grandma did the night watch keeping an open ear at all times.

Then it was time for Laura Westners wedding a day that I had been waiting for since we were young.  I could barely peal myself out of bed....but I did it and enjoyed my time.  Hated that I couldn't dance:( My body is just not ready for that yet/ I was just really thankful that I was there for her big day and able to smile my way through.

        Finally today I called Yale and told them that the nausea meds they had given me were not working and I NEEDED HELP!!!!!!  They called in a script and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I was able to enjoy my first day in a week nausea free.  I was on my way to being very dehydrated so I had to suck it up and drink drink drink all day...
       Tomorrow I do my first lab drawing I'm going to the local quest so that I don't have to drive all the way to Yale just to have blood taken.  Lets just hope my veins work for the blood draw.  It usually takes 3 sticks before they get anything.  If I choose to go to Yale they could do it through my port!  Wednesday is the big Hair cut day ughhhhhh now this will be a tough one!  Im heading to Rob Rivers to donate my hair:( Im scared Only because I know its not long after that that I will have NO hair just writing that makes me anxious and sad. I know thats going to be tough for me and an adjustment for everyone.  I know that If I saw a young mom with her kids and NO hair my heart would break for her and I cant believe that Im the one thats going to get those looks.  I know thats going to be a big adjustment for me! Then Thursday..........I find out if I need radiation after the chemo is done.  I am praying hard that they have decided that the chemo would be enough.  But, I will do whatever they want me to do and whatever is best for my life the healthy life that Ill be living as soon as this is over.

The rest of the week I get to be a proud Aunty to my nephew Trevor as he battles his way through regionals.  They have already one the title for the best 9-10 year olds in the entire state of CT  so proud of them they have worked really hard to get to this point now I look forward to seeing them win the next title:)



  1. I'm so glad the nausea stopped! You look beautiful in the wedding pictures! You will look just as beautiful with no hair! I will probably send you a tect on Friday to check up on you! <3

    Melissa Chiappone

  2. I am so happy you found a med to help with the nausea. I love all of the pics and you looked gorgeous at the wedding!

  3. Becky,

    Glad to hear that you got some new nausea meds. It's like playing russian roulette finding a antiametic drug to work. My sister in law went through this real bad when she battled cancer. Glad to say that it's been a few years and knock on wood, she is cancer free. Your mom will be right by your side through all of this, and she can tell you what to expect. You will have days when you don't want to getout of bed, but in the end when you are cancer free, it will have been worth it. When my nephew had cancer, he slowly got it cut off so it wasn't a big noticeable change. Becky, you don't need hair to look pretty, and it doesn't matter what people will think of you. I'm sure that they have dealt with this with a close friend or family member. When they see your perfect smile that radiates through a crowd, they will think how awesome of a gal you are. Your smile & personality are enough for me to like you, well, maybe some sarcasm It wouldn't and shouldn't matter if you have hair or not, so please keep that in mind. There are plenty of places where you can get wigs, hair covers, or some new hats to sport around. I bet your hubby will think your sexy with no hair. He didn't marry you for your hair right?? No, he married you because your a hot, smoking, bangin chic with a personality a mile wide! I hope this lifts you up a bit. Keep up that positive atitude that you are showing. Believe me when I say that it will help you out! You looked so gorgeous for your friends wedding too. Glad you could go to it! Tell me when I can come over and help out! I wish we didn't go in seperate directions for all these years, as you are a great person to be around. Remember the fun we used to have at the shack?? The jokes we played? Those were the good times. Hey, how do you know Wendy Michaud? She is a great friend of mine from work and growing up. I'll check in on you soon. Stay strong!!

    xo Kelly~

  4. Thanks for the update, Becky- YOU LOOK GREAT! SORRY TO HEAR THAT YOU HAVE NOT BEEN NOT BEEN FEELING WELL and losing the hair with change of appearance, people knowing you are curing yourself of cancer...very difficult emotions to deal are giving a wonderful gift to others with Locks of love...YOU ARE A STRONG WOMAN, will continue to be an inspiration to others thru this journey!! Thanks for continuing to share/journal all that you are feelings with us, LOVED the pics at Misquamicut-time for the younger generation to enjoy the beach, carry the tradition as the grandparents,parents,aunts just visit! Love you, Aunt Lynne
